10/18/20 Bread for the World Offering of Letters Sunday

BFWOctober is hunger awareness month. There are powerful ways we can respond!  Bread for the World has again offered us an opportunity to address our concerns — by way of letters to our congresspersons.

Of course this year we cannot meet on Sunday morning, enjoy eating “breads of the world,” and inspire each other with our concerns for the most vulnerable people in our country and around the world.

But October 18 will be “Offering of Letters” Sunday, and from today on  you can put your thoughts to paper and prepare mailings to our senators and our representative in Washington D.C.  If you receive Peace Notes 10-2020 FINAL electronically, go to page 8 and 9 for instructions  for your letter-writing: a sample letter and names and addresses of your congresspersons–all you need to act now!

You can then hand-write or type your letters (one at least, or to all three),  address them, add postage, and mail to congress.  Or you can deliver them to church before Sunday, October 18, and they will be added to a basket of letters to be blessed during our service.

If you do not receive Peace Notes by email — look in your paper copy for letter writing instructions, but if you need more information such as addresses of congresspersons, please contact Marcia Olson for that information.


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