6/7 Live Stream Worship

Rublev Trinity


Welcome to Peace.  

A recording of our Live Stream service for Trinity Sunday, June 7 can we found by following this LINK.

In recent days our nation has been shaken.   First by the COVID-19 pandemic, and now by protests in cities throughout the country, including Seattle.

As followers of Christ, we are called to engage rather than ignore what’s happening in the world. And so a special focus of our liturgy this Trinity Sunday is the church’s call to dismantle institutional racism.  

The icon above by 15th century Russian iconographer Andrei Rublev shows the Holy One in the form of Three, eating and drinking, in infinite hospitality and utter enjoyment between themselves. The gaze between the Three shows the deep respect between them as they share from a common bowl.  In the icon, the Three encircle a table and the hand of the Spirit points toward the open and fourth place at the table, perhaps to a place where, in the original icon, a mirror may have been. The message: there is a fourth place; a place for you!

Richard Rohr writes:  “This Table is not reserved exclusively for the Three, nor is the divine circle dance a closed circle: we are all invited in.  All creation is invited in, and this is the liberation God intended from the very beginning.”

Each of us bears the image of God within ourselves.  When that image comes under assault because of racist and white supremacist attitudes, actions, and ideologies, the church is called into solidarity and action.

Our guest preacher is ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton.  Bishop Eaton had a sermon ready to go the week before George Floyd was murdered while in police custody in Minneapolis on May 25th.  But when protests erupted, she went back to the drawing board so that she could address this new context in which we find ourselves.

At the end of worship the 2020 Peace Scholarship presentation was made to  Kennedy High School grad Alyssa Bernd.

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