Join Our 75th Anniversary Celebration November 24!

We have been marking the 75th anniversary of Peace in various ways throughout the past year, and now we are hosting a culminating celebration on Sunday, November 24th.  Here is what the day will include:

9:30 CONNECTING… Come early to connect with former and current members and friends of Peace, view displays of art and photographs, and enjoy light refreshments in the Fellowship Hall at Peace.

10:30 – WORSHIPPING Gather around Font, Pulpit, and Table, sing hymns, be nourished by the living Christ, celebrate the life and mission we share. Northwest Washington Synod Bishop Shelley Bryan Wee will be our guest preacher.

 12:30 – FEASTING… A Banquet and family friendly program will be held at Fauntleroy UCC Church Hall, 9140 California Ave SW. (All available tickets have been sold.)

TPeace Lutheran Wall Hanging - Sharpenedhe Seedbed for what would become Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church was tilled initially by members of Gethsemane Lutheran Church in the early 1920’s. By 1943 that seedbed was ready for planting. In September 1944 newly ordained Luther Anderson became the congregation’s first mission pastor and led his first worship service in an E. C. Hughes portable classroom. On November 28, 1944, the congregation was officially organized with a charter membership of 46. Today, 75 years later, we give thanks to God and lift our hearts in gratitude for all the servants through the years who have remained faithful in carrying out God’s mission in this place, reaching beyond these walls and doors with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to share the love of Christ in word and deed. The seeds that took root 75 years ago continue to bear fruit in our lives and in our community today. What a thrill to be part of what God is doing in, with, and through us! And the story continues!


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