Join us Sept. 16 for Cross-Generational Extravaganza!

September 16th, is Rally Sunday and the beginning of our Sunday School and Adult Education Classes for the fall.

We’ll kick-off our Fall education program with a cross-generational experience from 9:00am to 10:15am built around the theme “SOWN SEEDS.”  Come join us!

We’ll commemorate the very beginning of PLC’s 75th years of ministry & mission by remembering the good seeds that were sown in the 1920’s by volunteers from Gethsemane Lutheran Church who held Sunday School Classes in what would emerge as the Gatewood Hill neighborhood.  Faith Formation continues to be a central priority for our congregation, with children, youth, baptismal candidates of all ages, and adults.  We’d like you to be part of it.

Come and be part of this opening of our Fall Education programming!

***Age group classes begin September 23 at the regular time of 9:15am***

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