East Africa Drought Crisis Prompts a Response

The worst drought in East Africa is 60 years continues to create severe food and water shortages for people in the region.  An estimated 13.3 million people in Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Djibouti are affected.  The Lutheran World Federation is managing the Dadaab refugee camp complex in Kenya where more than 400,000 people are living in places designed for 90,000.  There are about 1,200 new arrivals each day.  Children are particularly vulnerable and many are arrive malnourished.  Lutheran World Relief and Lutheran World Federation are working together to respond to the tremendous need.  Of every $1.00 given to Lutheran World Relief , $.91 cents goes directly to support programatic aid.

Follow this link to the DONATION PAGE of Lutheran World Relief.

“Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”

– Jesus

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