
Sermon Title: STORM

(Psalm 29:1-11, Luke 8:22-25)

Revs. E. Kindem & E. Olson, June 20, 2010

Quick Summary:

When we think of storms we’re not inclined to think of the beauties of creation, the delights of discovery and fascination with the natural order of things. Storms are more terrifying than beautiful! Storms are about the natural disorder of creation! We may well stand in awe in the face of a storm, with the rain in our face and the wind lashing at our body, but it’s an awe that stuns us – it takes our breath away. The message of the storm is that the old is being blown away – a new day has come! You can’t go back to where you were – the wind has washed out the pathways that you used to find familiar and habitual. You’re to find your way into a new world – the wondrous world of creation after the storm – washed as wet as baptism itself, forever renewed, forever calling us to a new place from which to see ourselves, our neighbor, our world.

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