Pastor’s Pen for May 2009

“Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.”
~ 1 John 3:18

Beloved of God,

During these 50 days of Easter we learn what it means to be Easter people.  It’s a time for equipping and preparing us to carry Christ’s message of reconciliation to the world in a form the world can recognize.  To incarnate it; enflesh it; live it. It is not a time for business as usual but for breaking down old paradigms, breaking open fallow soul, and imagining, as St. Paul once wrote, the “whole new world” that Christ’s resurrection summons.

So…how is that going for you? It seems to me it ought to be about as easy as falling off a log—what with all that resurrection inspiration, that Spirit-filled power at our disposal. But it ain’t.  In fact, to be honest, it’s anything BUT easy….SIMPLE, maybe, but not easy.

Speaking for myself, I have to say the old ways of doing things are so seductive and the justifications so ready at hand that it’s hard to give up any of it.  I’ve grown used to my old ways, old rhythms, and old habits. Why should I give them up?  Doesn’t God love me anyway?  Truth be told, I’m much more inclined to put a bridle on the Easter story and its explosive message and to try to make it conform to my well worn ways of being in the world—than of the other way around!

But that’s not the way God would have it.  The Spirit Christ sends as GIFT to us will not be domesticated by my truncated vision or limited by my lack of imagination.  This Spirit turns the old systems by which we live upside down and suddenly the up are down, the last are first, and the meek are set to inherit the earth, and Jesus and his trouble making go merrily on!

Sometimes, you need to get away in order to be able to see things more clearly.  Sometimes you need to let go entirely in order to gain clarity about what’s really important. That’s what our family will be doing the first week of May.  We’re heading out into the Pacific and will be joined by Chris’ parents Jay and Nancy.  It’s a special trip to mark their 50th wedding anniversary. Please pray for us.  Pray that we will find refreshment, health, and joy.

Easter joy!

Pastor Erik

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